Saddle Accessories

Leather Bucking Strap can help a rider in multiple ways, from stabilizing a beginning rider’s hands, offering added security during spooks, assisting with mounting, to helping a rider while being lunged when reins have been taken away

Leather Bucking Strap is a welcome emergency grip for any rider, from a beginner just learning to an experienced rider with a difficult horse. Properly buckled to the two dees at the front of a saddle, it can also serve as an aid in lifting the saddle.

Made of leather to provide comfort and durability, a “grab strap” can help:

  • Stabilize an unsteady/beginning rider’s hands to protect a horse’s mouth from sudden jabs through the reins.
  • Assist with mounting by providing something other than the horse’s mane to hold.
  • Offer a feeling of added security if a horse spooks or leaps.
  • Help a rider while being lunged when reins have been taken away.
SKU: AS 654 Category: Tag:
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